Thursday, March 1, 2012

61/366 Spring is in the air

The bees are buzzing and the lizards are leaping! And the kids are beginning to act all crazy!

The conversation of the day:

Little Miss Likes to Whine a Lot: "I need to get the nurse to come get me when she comes in."

Me: "Are you feeling sick, sweetheart?"

Little Miss Likes to Whine a Lot: "No but my tongue is blue." She sticks out her tongue to prove it.

Me: "It looks like you ate something blue."

Little Miss Likes to Whine a Lot: "Well, I didn't and that is why I need you to get the nurse to send me home."

:) I don't know of any illnesses that cause the tongue to turn blue (well, maybe death) but I had a little conversation about how you only get one "Fake It" pass in elementary school and she had just used it.

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