Wednesday, September 12, 2012

256/366 Happiness is...

A toasted marshmallow.  And they are the best Jelly Belly flavor, too.

Working with kids can be frustrating when they won't own up to their behavior so it is a breath of fresh air when you get painfully honest kids.

Painfully honest kid: "I need to talk to you about the kid who cussed at me on the bus."

Me: "Oh my gosh!  What happened?"

Painfully honest kid: "Well, you see, it was really loud on the bus and I gently tapped this kid on the shoulder and politely asked him to be quiet and he got mad and started saying cuss words to me."

Me: "Just for asking him to be quiet?"

Painfully honest kid: "Well... well.. When he wouldn't be quiet, I told him to shut up and then I called him the 'F' word but not the 'F-U' word... just the 'F' word."

Me: "What happened next?"

Painfully honest kid: "He got really mad and called me the 'A' word and then we both started saying bad words.  You know... the 'S' one and the 'D' one.  But I never said the 'G-D' one.  I would never say the 'G-D' word.  But that other kid did and I wanted you to know about it."

I guess you could say he has a few morals intact.  And I guess I'll be watching another bus video in the morning.

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