Wednesday, October 3, 2012

277/366 The memory chest

When I graduated from high school, my grandmother made a big production of buying a hope chest for me.  She discussed how I could save away special outfits and towels and things I'd need when I got married.

I remember smiling at her and then turning to my sister and rolling my eyes.  We both dubbed the chests we received  as "The Hopeless Chest."

Fast forward almost thirty years ahead... My grandmother had wanted me to carefully fold and tuck away things for marriage.  Instead, I folded and tucked away memories.

The Shutter Sisters prompt for today was Family -- and I thought of this chest as a stand in for the family since I don't have all my kids under the same roof as me anymore.  It was surprisingly emotional to go through this chest and I think I could spend hours doing so.

I'm really proud of my kids but I do miss that time when they were little.  When they were little, I remember feeling overwhelmed at times because they needed me so much.  Now that they are grown, I miss that they don't need me much at all.

Really, the picture with notes is better here.

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