Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them

I loved being off work today - despite being furloughed. Besides, there are worse things than a month of ramen noodles for supper (kidding! well, not really... because who wants to eat ramen noodles for an entire month...).

It was a gorgeous day -- but cold! I cleaned out the laundry room, worked out, got a haircut (short and sassy), made pizza and spent some quality time hanging out with the dog in the garden. It was an outstanding day!


Unknown said...

Sounds pretty outstanding! And is that statue lifesize?

Beth said...

Thanks, Kimberly. That statue comes up to about my mid-thigh. I just shot from the ground up using 18mm.

Unknown said...

Ah ok... i really like the angle because it does make it look like its taller than you. :)