Sometimes I have to remind myself not to get too focused on the small things. It is important to never lose sight of the big picture.
We have 8 more days of school with the students and the days feel like a whirlwind. I feel like I am being pulled in 72 directions at one time.
Today, I remembered to breathe.
And a student showed me his Top Secret notebook with his notes. When I asked what A.T. stood for, he said, "Alien Technology." When I asked what U.A.T. stood for, he said, "Ultimate Alien Technology."
This is why I love elementary school!
By the way, the picture is of the ring that holds up the wind chimes. It was glowing in the sunlight. Now I'm off for a *happy* time with my husband and some friends that may or may not involve libations. I just feel happy. Soon, I will be even happier.