Monday, January 2, 2012

1/366 Overrated or Not

I've been guilty of calling New Years an overrated holiday -- but overrated or not, I am always compelled to set some goals for myself.

This years goals:
*I will take on another 365 (which is really a 366 because of Leap Year) and push myself to learn some new things related to photography.
*I want to run 1,000 miles again.
*I want to read 50 books.
*I want to wear more orange.

Hope everyone has a fantastic 2012!


Mike said...

Maybe you can read my books if they ever find a publisher!

Happy New year!

Anonymous said...

Hey she's back!! Happy New Year! xoxo

Smart Mouth Broad said...

Lofty goals, my friend. You can do it! ;-)