Tuesday, September 25, 2012

269/366 Cracked up

Summer in the south can be brutal enough to crackle the signs.  The texture it creates is awesome!


I try to spend time in some classrooms each and every day.  Some days, I get a great lesson along with the students.  For instance, in one class, the discussion had become quite lively about laws.  In response to a student comment, the teacher had explained that you'd still get charged with armed robbery if you tried to rob a bank with a toy gun.  The discussion continued for just a minute when the teacher tried to end the conversation to get back to the original lesson.

Teacher: "So, can someone wrap up something you've learned in this discussion?"

Random busy student: "Yep!  Always use a real gun when robbing a bank!"

Ah!  Those kids just crack me up....

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