Friday, July 23, 2010

Scarlett's Web

The long lost cousin of Charolette was found in the garden at my school.

She is an Argiope (Writing Spider). While I am extremely freaked out by her, I also love her because she likes to eat wasps. And wasps are Godless Killing Machines that deserve to be eaten.

Quick Science lesson: These spiders are called Writing Spiders because of the zigzag "writing" that can look like z's and x's in their webs. Maybe E.B. White got the writing in the web idea from one of these girls.


cheatymoon said...

love this!!!

I don't mind spiders at all. Super cool. (Mice, on the other hand...)

Beth said...

Movie - I'm with you on the mice. And roaches! They make me scream like a little girl!