Friday, February 17, 2012

48/366 The Limo Ride

Today, I got to take the top sellers for a school fundraiser on a limo ride and out to lunch. What an experience! Six little girls from the ages of 7 to 10... Squeals and chaos ensued. And delightful conversation.

This shot was taken when the limo driver called out to the ladies that he was driving them over a bridge. That bridge was merely an overpass in our little downtown. They were hysterical.

Snippets of conversation:

"Oh look! There is a man with a dog!" followed by a complete chorus of "Awwwww...."

"You pulled for the Patriots?! Me, too! And I was the only person in my family to cheer for the Patriots except for my aunt, uncle, cousin and grandma!"

"This is the first time I've ever even seen a limo! It is so much bigger than my mom's car!"

While playing on the phone in the limo that didn't work - "Mrs. So-and-so's mom? Your daughter is just out of control!"

"We can so not listen to country music. I think when you are in a limo you have to listen to rap!"

Me: "We need to decide on a restaurant. We can go where ever you want." The girls talked amongst themselves and then chose Chick-Fil-A - a fast food restaurant. Delightfully hilarious! Their reason? They wanted milkshakes.

I hope this day will go down in their memory as happy of a day as it is in mine.

1 comment:

jordiegirl said...

What good fun!!!!

My son and some friends plus their mums (me included) went for a ride in a limo which had just been used for a wedding - the lady driver is a friend and was a work colleague of my husband's so she came around to let them ride in it for free and supplied lemonade too - it was close to Martin's birthday so it was a treat.