Wednesday, May 2, 2012

123/366 Happy to see you

My husband made a statue in my likeness.  Sweet little Ray came by to visit and said that I was "nekkid" and then laughed hysterically.

Then he went on to tell me about his "secret spy hideout" and he told me that it wouldn't have a roof.  He says he "doesn't do roofs."


Today, I sat in meetings about all the changes coming from the state department about how they are planning to hold schools accountable and how they are measuring student achievement.  One of the presenters from the state department said they "didn't want to be like Tennessee where no three teachers could explain in the same way how they were held accountable."

I was so confused throughout their entire explanation.  From the questions asked and the looks on the faces of the other 112 participants, we were all confused.

So, if they asked all of us in the meeting today to explain how we were going to be assessed this year, we would all have the same answer -- "I don't know."

Well played, Georgia.  Well played.

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